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Does anybody still have the Sound Controller App (Virtual Pitch Wheel)

iPad,iPhone,iPod Touch and Android Apps and Hardware for musicians. If you see an app or pieces of hardware you think would be useful for musicians using these devices please post details here.

Moderators: parametric, Derek, Saul

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Amalgamator Spain
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2022 3:33 pm
Where Are You Located?: Madrid, Spain & Washington DC

Does anybody still have the Sound Controller App (Virtual Pitch Wheel)

Unread post by Amalgamator »

Hi Everyone!

I'm mainly a classical pianist with a P-125 digital piano, but I just joined a funk band that will probably require me to do a little pi…login to view the rest of this post
Yamaha Sound Controller Virtual Pitch Wheel Discontinued
Yamaha Sound Controller Virtual Pitch Wheel Discontinued

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