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the TS-10 Sequences memory upgrade SQX-70 comes with 28 pins but the TS has 32 pins socket

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JacobC Israel
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the TS-10 Sequences memory upgrade SQX-70 comes with 28 pins but the TS has 32 pins socket

Unread post by JacobC »

Hello all,

Just got the SQX-70 sequencer memory upgrade for my TS-10.
These are 2 SDRAM chips with 28 pins on each of them.
The problem is that when …login to view the rest of this post
Sockets with SQX-70 smaller chips on them
Sockets with SQX-70 smaller chips on them
Sockets with on of the chips aligned to pin 1
Sockets with on of the chips aligned to pin 1
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