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Reverb and Delay Pedals to Silent Guitar NY

The compact and lightweight SLG200S and SLG200N Silent Guitars are the perfect instruments for practice, travel, and live performance.

Moderators: parametric, Derek, Saul

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anaritasimonka Brazil
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Joined: Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:14 pm
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Reverb and Delay Pedals to Silent Guitar NY

Unread post by anaritasimonka »

Hi everione! I am trying to find pedals to my Silent Guitar to perform something like "ambient guitar", I mean: long reverbs, lots of ambience and space... I know that possible I will never have the same results as an electric guitar but... I play new age, meditation and mantras and despite many suggestion, I could not find the right set up to "upgrade" my SIlent Guitar as I need that is the most close to pads and ambient... I tried to set El Capistan, yeah, it´s fantastic, but not for me. Any suggestion? Many thanks!
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