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Creating 3.5in Floppy Disks with USB Drive using 2HD Disks

The Yamaha SY99 is a synthesiser combining frequency modulation synthesis (branded as Advanced FM) and sample-based synthesis (branded as Advanced Wave Memory 2) and the direct successor to Yamaha's SY77/TG77

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Telemonious United States of America
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Joined: Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:04 pm
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Creating 3.5in Floppy Disks with USB Drive using 2HD Disks

Unread post by Telemonious »

Greetings Everyone,

I am a fortunate new owner of an SY99. I wanted to begin to explore the sound sets available to understand the range of sounds and programming techniques utilized for the synth. I researched here and the internet to find methods for importing sound sets into the SY99. From several different methods I decided to try using an External USB 3.5in floppy drive to format and transfer files with to import into the SY. It turned out to be a challenging effort to find a solution …login to view the rest of this post
NOS Toshiba 3.5 in USB Floppy Drive
NOS Toshiba 3.5 in USB Floppy Drive
3.5 in Floppy Showing Taped Hole
3.5 in Floppy Showing Taped Hole
Open Hole, Tape, Scissors
Open Hole, Tape, Scissors

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