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PSR-EW310 and PSR-E373 Music Database real song names

Featuring a newly developed tone generator LSI, the PSR-E373 and PSR-EW310 bring high end sound to the entry level.
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topomorto England
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PSR-EW310 and PSR-E373 Music Database real song names

Unread post by topomorto »

Here's my effort at decrypting the music database names from my PSR-EW310. I assume they will be very similar on the PSR-E373. Some of them are obvious, many are thanks to others' work in files already available relating to the S650 and E453, and a couple I even managed to work out myself. The biggest gaps are probably the more modern songs, if anyone wants to help fill in the gaps! I'll probably cross-post this to psrtutorial to increase the chance someone else finds it.

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Last edited by topomorto on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

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