Hello All,
I have recently restored a Yamaha DX7IIFD with Grey Matter E! with what is supposed to be the original disk for the DX7IIFD.
It seems though, that no matter what source I find the original data in, whether it be SysEx, raw files, disk image, etc... the Voice data for Bank 3, Voice 7 & 8 have a duplicated patch called P. Bass. However, this voice patch is silent. When I look at the voice patch at the output level, the output level is 7 for Voice 7 P. Bass, and the level is 8 for Voice 8 P. Bass.
Can anyone offer an explanation as to why these voice levels are so low? What is the purpose of this voice patch ( 7 & 8 )? I have found some original documentation for the Grey Matter E! for DX7IIFD, but there is no information on the individual patches.
Any help appreciated...
Thank in advance,