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DX7 Mk1 issues

This section is for all variants of the Yamaha DX series. DX1/DX100/DX11/DX21/DX27/DX27S/DX5/ DX7/DX7IID/DX7IIFD/DX7S/DX9/TX81Z/TX7

Moderators: parametric, Derek, Saul

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andyallder Great Britain
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 10, 2024 8:37 pm
Where Are You Located?: Cambridge

DX7 Mk1 issues

Unread post by andyallder »

Hi all

I recently got hold of a Mk1 DX7 for £70 it was non working and in a pretty poor state no audio, broken keys, LED issues and multiple switches not working.

I’ve sorted out the power and audio issues with new volume and data faders. Re capped the power supply and power filter board. Checked the +15v +5v and -5v rails now all good. Also replaced the backup battery. But still two issues that I’m having problems with.

1. The Internal patch select and Parameter Select 30 switches do not w…login to view the rest of this post

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