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Yamaha CK61 dilemma (vs CP73 and YC73)

This section is for users of the Yamaha CK61 & CK88

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darleenquinones United States of America
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Yamaha CK61 dilemma (vs CP73 and YC73)

Unread post by darleenquinones »

I have a Yamaha CK61, and I'm absolutely delighted with the interface and sounds, but I need 73 keys because I don't like having to play with the octave up or down button. I also have a Korg C1 Air with weighted keys, so I don't see the need to go for a CK88, CP88, or YC88. My dilemma is as follows: should I keep the CK61 and buy a CP73, or should I sell the CK61 and buy a YC73? I'm not a very skilled Hammond organ player, but I must admit I really like the CK61's interface. Can anyone tell me if the piano sounds on the CP73/YC73 are better than on my CK61? I know the YC73 has FM synthesis, but I'm not a big fan of DX7 sounds either.

On the other hand, what is the typical product lifecycle for Yamaha CP or YC? I ask because I understand that after releasing the CK series, the CP/YC range might become somewhat lacking, and I assume Yamaha will try to introduce something of higher quality into the market. Does it make any sense?
pjd United States of America
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Re: Yamaha CK61 dilemma (vs CP73 and YC73)

Unread post by pjd »

Hi --

Welcome to the Forum!

Unfortunately -- to this day -- I haven't found a Stage YC to try. But, I have tried the Stage CP88 and CK61/CK88. I daresay, the Stage CP pianos meet or exceed the CK. Stage CP offers a wide range of acoustic pianos, in particular. Both YC and CP got significant updates which include new pianos. You may need to look at the so-called Supplementary Manuals for both instruments to see the full offering for each.

Myself, I've been tempted by the Stage YC61, for what I play. FM fills out the organ side more than providing EPs and synth voices. Believe it or not, the Stage CP has the same tone generator -- Yamaha simply didn't turn on FM and provide preset voices...

Still, I'm holding back. Both models have been out for 5 years (roughly) and are due for an overhaul. NAMM is coming in January and it might be worth waiting to see what Yamaha releases. Yeah, waiting is tough. :)

I blogged about the Stage CP and YC internals last week. Link is below.

All the best -- pj
davlippo7 United States of America
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Re: Yamaha CK61 dilemma (vs CP73 and YC73)

Unread post by davlippo7 »

I'm selling my YC73 on Reverb in mint condition if you decide that way look it up in Alabama. YC is more professional excellent build quality and I'd guess higher grade components and also XLR outs.
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