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New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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It's finally here and probably better then I could tell from the reviews. Thought I'd start a thread I didn't see a Korg Topic on the form.

The screen isn't as bad as they said but then there's the software anyway. This screen might be better spec'd no sure I never had the original.

These custom metal covered 3 tone (actually it's an illusion) beveled knobs are the best I've ever seen on stock gear. Even $4,000 and up gear still has cheap rubber knobs like the PolyBrute12 and Moog are still plastic but beefy.

The surface isn't flat sliver it's like has a race car sparkle but also rough texture only time will tell if it holds up to scuffs and scratches.

The black knobs are glossy on top and have the illusion of matt black only the side. The silver knobs are sparkly on top matching the surface and also the illusion of flat on the side. I had to remove them to inspect. When you rotate the knob flat it's the some paint but rotated vertical it goes flat. Blowing my mind but still cool.

They are not all metal construction has a sleeve over the plastic and pots are still plastic so the guts are likely the same as the original.

My lighting is horrible at night I'll have to make better photos. The keys are very good as expected. Probably a great deal at $1,300 with case.

Interesting it has PAT over MIDI. It has key release velocity touch as well.
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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So I played this synth for an hour (not totally sure how to use it all) and any music producer of films for any movie from now until eternity could burn every board on the planet and just use this for pennies on the dollar.

The SSS or SST can seamlessly transition and entire 4 layer sequence into another 4 layer sequence and keep on going. So funny this hasn't really been talked about that I've heard of. Loopop said there isn't anything like it even in software except now there's the native version. It wasn't taken very seriously by many because it originally was a "plastic toy".

I don't know now I've got (3) $4K analogs all around me and this KILLS them? Well, the PolyBrute12 can do some tricks but no it can't sequence in all these lanes.

I might sell everything and just use this. So funny something so cheap is endless entertainment definitely for those of us with serious musical ADD. :lol:

Okay it's still the honeymoon I realize but imagine if they took this type idea to the next level. Really seems like Korg and Arturia are the most creative lately. Even has PAT abilities using another type controller. Back to it....

So LooPop also said something that's true about WaveState but in my words or in comparison:

1) An arranger makes you play the style or song you select and you better play it right
2) A synth basically does nothing, you have to tell it what to do all the time
3) The Montage might can do lane sequencing but you have to program it, I'm not sure it's even nearly the same as WaveState
4) WaveState can feedback infinite musical ideas swapping around Multi-samples or sequences/programs in 4 layers and SST into 4 new layers with 8 macro knobs for making changes plus the vector control etc. I guess it just makes it's own music and you hang on for the ride. :dance:
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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This is the version they should have made from the start.
Or at least provide a 37 key version with a good quality keybed.
The increased polyphony on the full sized Wavestate is actually needed. This machine is so deep voice stealing was immediately evident on Mk1.
There is nothing like Wavestate on the market. This is a totally unique synth (I guess only the old Wavestation is related). Montage has plenty of evolved sounds, motion sequencing etc but can never reach this level. On the other hand wavestate is so deep it literally 'plays itself'. You press a chord and suddenly a complete piece comes out.
The screen is the same as on the original version. There was a never a problem with the screen, it's small but very readable and works ok for what it is. The complexity of all the lanes etc means you have to read and reread the manual and experiment a lot to use it, even with so many knobs and buttons. But the computer editor is amazingly good and much easier. I suggest you start with it and it will be much easier to get along with the interface afterwards.
You can also get the native version for I think $50 now that you have the hardware. Connect the hardware and the Editor/Librarian will give you a coupon code that you can use in the Korg Shop. It's worth it. I sold my MkI but still have the native version.
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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It is indeed a wonderful keyboard, as was the original Wavestation all those years ago.

At under £1000 here in the UK I would be more than happy to buy the Wavestate SE Platinum. I was a huge fan of the original wavestation and of course, I have it in software as well as wavestate native. And you are right. It is a unique keyboard. There is nothing else like it out there right now. I think Korg totally nailed it with this one!

By the way, that finish looks very much like the Korg Triton. If that is the case it can be a bugger to keep clean!
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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I wonder if/when Yamaha will come with an answer ?😏

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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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JDavis wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 10:57 am I wonder if/when Yamaha will come with an answer ?😏

I was just wondering when Yamaha will release ESP to the masses in the same way KORG has done with Wavestate Native. We don't see any panic from KORG about damaging sales of hardware. In fact it probably has increased sales because once people get the software they are more inclined to want the hardware. Well certainly that is my experience with Wavestate Native. I was only waiting for a 61 key version of the hardware...and some spare cash 😂

It feels like Yamaha is taking their foot off the gas again. But then I am sure they know their market better than I do so perhaps there is something I am missing 🤔
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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Saul wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 11:01 am It feels like Yamaha is taking their foot off the gas again. But then I am sure they know their market better than I do so perhaps there is something I am missing
Yamaha still does not know how to handle this software/VST thing, even though they bought Steinberg who invented it.
Yamaha is know for hardware instruments, they've been designing their own hardware synthesizer chips for ages and that definitely works wonderfully on monster instruments like Montage where (from what we've seen) general purpose CPUs have a very hard time emulating.
BUT, with Montage M they have already messed up the hardware distribution, at least in Europe. No major retailer is selling them online, since Yamaha more or less prohibited it, and you can't even get an estimate of availability from official distributors.
I've lent my MODX+ to a friend who is a gigging musician the other day. He wants to evaluate whether a MODX+7 will be good enough for him to replace his aging Motif. We discussed on Montage and he said he can find a classic 7 brand new still in the official Yamaha retailer but for an M they can't even tell him a possible delivery date. It's that bad.
So what is there to lose with ESP? We can't even buy the hardware now.
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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JDavis wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 10:57 am I wonder if/when Yamaha will come with an answer ?😏
Only traditional stuff comes out from Yamaha these days. The most revolutionary thing they got lately was the seqtrak (and maybe the FGDP finger drumpads)
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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Yeah Yamaha is mostly known for regurgitation now rather than true invention like the old days. :lol:

The SEQTrak is still total regurgitation of everything from 35 years ago but modeled after Teenage Engineering. :roll:

Wasn't FDSP and most recent invention? Not even having been regurgitated again? They are so weird. :D

They are eggheads not inventors. Korg and Arturia are much better at invention or maybe not as far as invention but more creative thinkers/designers.
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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davlippo7 wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 2:09 pm
They are eggheads not inventors. Korg and Arturia are much better at invention or maybe not as far as invention but more creative thinkers/designers.
I have always viewed Yamaha as beancounters/techs and yes eggheads if you like. Everything by the numbers. Whereas I see KORG and Arturia more as "artist creative" types.

The contrast between the office environment of KORG and Yamaha is like night and day! KORG is more muso types and a very relaxed, laid back atmosphere. Yamaha is all suits and very compartmentalised. I always had the impression that it could be absolutely any large business and it just happens that they are selling musical instruments.

Casio to a certain extent is like KORG. Again quite laid back, not the same stiff suited types.

I have never visited Arturia but I know quite a lot of the people who work there behind the scenes and I never get the corporate vibe from them.

Perhaps that is Yamaha's achilles heel. They are too big and have a finger in too many pies 🤔
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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Good beginner video about how to............

Also using only the unit itself without the software that came later.

Anyone who knows about an analog synth it's laid out similarly.

This intro is so basic it's great to learn the interface but he never even gets into why it's different from any other synth. He never did a follow up I don't think.

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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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It seems like most if not all conventional synths are all attempting to be a wavestate but failing badly at it.

They add an arpeggiator or chord machine or sequencer on top of their traditional engine whether virtual or real analog or whatever but it's like they're cutting and pasting features in plug-in modules instead of actually implementing that feature entirely. So you end up with a poor job of being a WaveState. If you can't beat them might as well join them.
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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No synth is an end-all machine.
Wavestate has its use, however more conventional stuff cannot be played on it, unless of course you reduce it down to more predictable sounds, effectively turning off the wave sequencing.
For some it might be the only synth they need, however I would never get rid of my Montage for a Wavestate.
So @davlippo7 are you now considering selling some of your synths?
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

Unread post by JDavis »

Hi Guys :

I wonder if synth players are also playing arranger keyboards additionally to their synths ?
Would you recommend it if you are not playing in a band ?
Is it useful for an arranger player to add a synth ?

IMHO both instruments are totally different, am I right ?

Best regards, Jeff
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Re: New to me Korg Wavestate SE Platinum Photos etc.

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JDavis wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:14 am IMHO both instruments are totally different, am I right ?
Totally, I wouldn't say. They share a lot but the priorities and programming are different.
I came to the synth world from arrangers, I actually studied music on arrangers. So yes, I would feel totally at home playing a 720/920 or in fact any Yamaha arranger.
Arrangers are very good for playing complete songs easily. Synths, not really. Remember the discussion of acmp vs backing tracks? Backing tracks would be the only 'quick' option for a synth to play a complete song. You either get one complete MIDI, alter it to play the parts you want and then decide the parts you will play live. Or, you get to multitrack in your DAW (or built in sequencer) each part of the song yourself. Lot's of work and I really suck at drums 8)
And all that assuming that you have a workstation type synth that has plenty polyphony and is multitimbral. Something along the lines of Montage, MODX, Fantom etc. Forget it with monotimbral synths.
On the other hand multitimbrality and polyphony come as a given with arrangers. Because if the instrument can't natively sound as a complete orchestra, it can't be an arranger in the first place.
But yes, synth players can and will play arrangers. 'Synth players' as in actual keyboard players, because of course you can get synths with no keyboards and there are plenty of people using synths almost totally via DAWs or knobs and buttons (Nothing wrong with that, but these might not find an arranger useful).
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