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I've been cleaning out old files on old HDs, and instead of just throwing it away, I thought it might be of interest if someone would like to do the hard work it is to tweak and edit it to see if it's possible to get it to sound decent on their keyboards. Everything is "quick-converted" using EMC Universal, and no other editing than the software does automatically has been done!
Maybe something more will turn up if there's interest in such material.
Have fun!
Cheers & Happy Playing.
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)
JDavis wrote: ↑Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:35 pm
Hey Gunnar :
Am I right to think it is not applicable for the 720/920 or ... do I misunderstand your message completely, sorry ?
Best regards, Jeff
It's converted to Yamaha .sty format, so you can load and play. BUT:
As I wrote, this is raw conversions from other brands, and you most likely have to change sounds, maybe drumsets and adjust volume at the different instruments to make it sound less terrible.
I have also a fairly big amount of Pa3X converted if anone want it....
Have fun!
Cheers & Happy Playing.
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)
apri11a wrote: ↑Thu Jan 16, 2025 3:40 pm
....... I have years of stuff on Hard Drives but can't bring myself to delete them.
Looks like there are more people that have the same "illness" as me.
But, Ive found that enough is enough, and I'm cleaning up all that's not original and quality stuff.
I.ex. I have a wide range of Technics software, and even if I have no Technics KN anymore,
I don't have the guts to delete from the archieve....
Cheers & Happy Playing.
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)
Thanks for sharing your styles. I probably get more mileage out of "trash" styles than anyone. I love finding these diamonds in the rough and give them life again. I know how Dr Frankenstein must have felt when he powered up the monster!! "It Lives!! It Lives!!" -charley
rattley wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:43 am
Greetings Friends!!
Thanks for sharing your styles. I probably get more mileage out of "trash" styles than anyone. I love finding these diamonds in the rough and give them life again. I know how Dr Frankenstein must have felt when he powered up the monster!! "It Lives!! It Lives!!" -charley
Those should play OK on your 720 and they have already been converted to Yamaha!! My Tyros 4 plays them!!
When you get the time I'm eagerly awaiting the styles between Song Styles B which were numbered 1 to 54 and Song Styles A which were numbered 1819-1892 Hopefully there were sets from 55 onwards right up to 1818 ..Best styles I have ever encountered and would love to get some more if you remember where they came from??
Thanks again to Gunnar for the upload ..I will try the rest of yours them out!!
No issues at all ..since you uploaded the A and B songstyle series I just assumed that you had access to the rest of the downloads but obviously not . It's OK now as your A and B Song Styles are actually part of the FFFF styles pack which I have already! Charley initially uploaded the complete 2400 file set a while ago!
Hope the new software progress is going well Maybe soon we can send you our midis and you can whip up some styles for us!!
StyleMagic YA has several other applications which are very useful for me in addition to XGWorks that never has been updated / upgraded by Yamaha since 2002.
Yamaha will never upgrade XGW. The reason why I bought SM.