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They area round $550 + down here, so I wanted to ask owners if they think they are worth it, or would I get the same result with studio monitors and sub?
I assume that's Australian (~US$340) for Yamaha GNS-MS01.
For me personally the price doesn't justify the quality. But there's a benefit: relative simple cabling management at minimal occupied space -which is important for many.
Decent monitors+sub will cost slightly more, but will sound better (by assuming that you can place monitors correctly). Another benefit is, it will also work if you change keyboard in future. Not only that.. if you later decide to add another keyboard, you can easily connect both keyboards (via mixer) to monitors/sub.
I personally love them; it's crazy *how* much better than the Tyros speakers they sound. The only downside? the subwoofer isn't really a subwoofer, it's more of a midwoofer; they sell a sub woofer separately, but it's not tight... way too loose and 'flappy' for my taste.
Would a pair of HS7/Hs8 sound clearer? yes, but not by as much as you'd think, and theses are *compact* and space efficient. I would absolutely buy the GNSMS01 once "Santa" gives in to my constant whining about wanting a G2.
However, $340 usd?? Ouch. They're about $290 USD new here.(they sell for $399 CAD, and the AUD is worth about 90% of the CAD); so it works out to about $449 AUD here
amwilburn wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 1:42 am
I personally love them; it's crazy *how* much better than the Tyros speakers they sound. The only downside? the subwoofer isn't really a subwoofer, it's more of a midwoofer; they sell a sub woofer separately, but it's not tight... way too loose and 'flappy' for my taste.
Would a pair of HS7/Hs8 sound clearer? yes, but not by as much as you'd think, and theses are *compact* and space efficient. I would absolutely buy the GNSMS01 once "Santa" gives in to my constant whining about wanting a G2.
However, $340 usd?? Ouch. They're about $290 USD new here.(they sell for $399 CAD, and the AUD is worth about 90% of the CAD); so it works out to about $449 AUD here
Thanks Mark and Bogdan - I have a pair already of the Presonus Eris5 and was thinking of adding the Eris 8 sub, BUT it costs about $420 AUD, so not a lot of difference on price. Hence the question
Let's see (now that you said, that you already have Eris5 monitors)...
If you buy GNS-MS01 (for $550), you practically throw away (already paid) Eris 5, and you end up with similar resulting sound that you already have -because (as Mark mentioned) the GNS-MS01 sub isn't really a sub. In my opinion, the result will actually be worse than with Eris 5.
If you buy Presonus Sub 8 instead, you save $130 and you end up with much better sound.
I'm not bashing GNS-MS01 system.. it's a nice compact solution for practicing in smaller rooms and is maybe worth to consider if we start from nothing.
pax-eterna wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:54 am
Thanks Mark and Bogdan - I have a pair already of the Presonus Eris5 and was thinking of adding the Eris 8 sub, BUT it costs about $420 AUD, so not a lot of difference on price. Hence the question
I like the Eris 5 -- almost bought a pair. So, I would lean toward the subwoofer option.
amwilburn wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:58 pm
Yeah if you already have a pair of Eris 5's and just need a sub? Do that!
I'd go with the GNSMS01 *only* if you didn't already have any decent powered speakers on hand.
Cheers & Happy Playing.
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but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)