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For the keys microfiber cloth works great, usually with some windows cleaning solution or just a bit of water. Also I guess baby wipes would work but would take longer to dry and I am not really fond of the smell either!
Dust is not usually a big issue for the case, as I have a dust cover.
LCD cleaner for the display. I have used a screen protector (I've cut one for a tablet to size) but as the screen is resistive touch, it sometimes interferes with operation and it is annoying.
Just a large fluffy makeup brush for dust! Haven't felt the need to clean the screen yet so good to see some tips. Would lens cleaning wipes be a no-no due to the alcohol content?
I've used damp microfiber cloths before, though sometimes it takes more to get the sweat off. I thought of window cleaning solution but wasn't sure if it would be harmful to the keys, which is one of the reasons for my question.
I also hadn't thought of a makeup brush (apparently I've been single for far too long). I do use dust covers, but they're the stretchy type and aren't always 100% with the fine grained stuff. I'll have to swing by the chick section next time I'm at the grocery store.
Davelet wrote: ↑Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:56 am
Just a large fluffy makeup brush for dust! Haven't felt the need to clean the screen yet so good to see some tips. Would lens cleaning wipes be a no-no due to the alcohol content?
Me too, I brought a specialist duster for getting between the knobs. And a damp cloth when necessary
That's a lotta knobs, davlippo7 (and an industrial strength vacuum). Maybe you should just hire a maid!
Good point about just stirring up the dust, though. It has to go somewhere. For the M, maybe the dust gets brushed to the flat surfaces where a micro fiber or damp cloth like Derek uses can pick it up.
I just received this attachment thought I would show the device and it's ultra soft but I think the bristles are only to focus the vacuum flow as you move it along.
It's a decent size larger than I thought showing it to scale below.
That made me think of my little Black and Decker Dustbuster, which has a flip down brush, so I walked it over the the Kronos and nope, wouldn't trust my knobs and sliders to it.
In this age of computers, wouldn't you think someone would sell a more miniature hand held, brushy-type vacuum for smaller surfaces? At least we wouldn't feel like we were going after sparrows with an elephant gun.
ChrisDuncan wrote: ↑Thu Jul 11, 2024 8:14 pm
In this age of computers, wouldn't you think someone would sell a more miniature hand held, brushy-type vacuum for smaller surfaces? At least we wouldn't feel like we were going after sparrows with an elephant gun.
They made plenty of these during, well, the 90s and packaged them as several 'different' types: for keyboards , camcorders (!), cameras, hifi systems etc.
They basically all sucked by, you guessed it, not sucking at all
I had one and it just did the sound effects of a vacuum cleaner but nothing else really. But maybe now you could try one of these rechargeable ones they sell for cars, kitchen countertops etc.
Or even better, to not let dust get too deep and use a microfiber cloth.