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Yamaha CK-88 line level

This section is for users of the Yamaha CK61 & CK88

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vivianwilson Vietnam
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Yamaha CK-88 line level

Unread post by vivianwilson »

I just purchased a used Yamaha CK-88 and was wondering if the low line output I am experiencing is normal. It is low compared to other keslope gameyboards I have used as well as synthesizers. I have changed the internal output gain up to +6db and that raised it a little. Any more than that and I’ll start to get internal audio clipping/distortion if playing hard. I was just wondering if anyone else has experience with this issue. I currently have it hooked up to a Tascam DP24sd which is being used as a mixer and the sound is being output by jbl 5” monitors. Thanks.
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bryanwilliams United States of America
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Re: Yamaha CK-88 line level

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I do not know which other keyboards, synthesizers, etc. you have stated have higher volumes but perhaps I can help.
Line levels are typically in millivolts where as speaker levels are in volts as mic levels are in microvolts. Headphone outputs, if used, will give a greater output signal than line levels and are all you have on some keyboards. Not knowing how the others were connected, that is one option. Before you do that though, ensure the master volume slider is up, the slider for the voice you are playing (a,b,c.) is up, the equalizer sliders are adjusted, and if you are playing organ, the drawbars must be pulled out. You can get even more volume by choosing certain effects, and they add up very nicely. Here is an example: I previously played a P-71 which only had a 1/4 inch stereo headphone output. It drove my mixer pretty hard compared to my CK-88. That being said, the CK-88 has a much better sound. It just takes some time to fully explore what all it will do.
Good luck and hope that helps.
pjd United States of America
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Re: Yamaha CK-88 line level

Unread post by pjd »

bryanwilliams wrote: Mon Oct 28, 2024 9:52 pm You can get even more volume by choosing certain effects, and they add up very nicely.
Bryan has a good suggestion, there. I play MODX, not CK. However, when I need to boost a low level voice, I'll look at the effect chain. Sometimes, there is an OUTPUT level to be raised. Or, I'll replace an effect with VCM 501 EQ; it's got beefy output gain.

Other possibilities are to add weight by layering two copies of the same voice. (Watch for phase cancellation!) Short delay can thicken sound, too. Pretty sure CK has a delay stage in parallel with reverb.

It's down to learning the details of the CK effects and experimenting.

Mostly, have fun in the process -- pj :)

Hey, welcome to the Forum, folks!
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