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SY77 Floppy Drive Issue

Yamaha SY77 is a 16 voice multitimbral music workstation first produced by Yamaha Corporation in 1989. The SY77 is a synthesizer whose architecture combines AFM (Advanced Frequency Modulation) synthesis, AWM2 (Advanced Wave Memory 2) for ROM-borne sample-based synthesis, and the combination of these two methods christened Realtime Convolution and Modulation Synthesis (RCM).

Moderators: parametric, Derek, Saul

Cauldblast Great Britain
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:45 pm
Where Are You Located?: Scotland

SY77 Floppy Drive Issue

Unread post by Cauldblast »

Hi again.
Recently purchased an SY77 from Japan not realising they work on different voltages across there but thanks to the help of some forum members was able to acquire a transformer (£62) and its now working! Well, parts of it!
I’ve several floppies from the early 90s with SY songs on. Have inserted them into the drive, brought up Disk Utility and selected one of the functions. The red light comes on and there is machine noise but not the typical clicking you’d expect when it’s trying to rea…login to view the rest of this post

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