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Splits - change sounds while maintaining the note ranges ?

This forum covers the original Montage and the new Montage M series keyboards.

Moderators: parametric, Derek, Saul

bobbybland Trinidad & Tobago
Posts: 28
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:24 am
Where Are You Located?: trinidad

Splits - change sounds while maintaining the note ranges ?

Unread post by bobbybland »

I can't seem to remember how to change sounds while maintaining the note ranges. For example, I find a piano I like which I'd like note range C-2 to C-4 ,but then I then I want to change it, without having to change the note ranges again. Is there a trick to this I seem to remember doing it before on the M. Anyone know how this is done on the M ?

INTERFACE: RME ADI-2/4 Pro/Antelope Orion Studio Synergy Core/BAE 1073 MPF Dual/Heritage Audio Successor+SYMPH EQ
SYNTHS: Yamaha Montage M8x/Sequential Trigon 6/Take 5/ASM Hydrasynth
Korg Prologue16\Behringer UBXa/DM12D/Pro-10- 800/Meris Pedals

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