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Montage M MIDI Program change commands ignored...

This forum covers the original Montage and the new Montage M series keyboards.

Moderators: parametric, Derek, Saul

StuartR United States of America
Posts: 108
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:10 pm
Where Are You Located?: USA

Montage M MIDI Program change commands ignored...

Unread post by StuartR »

When playing a WAV file as part of a Montage M performance, I've noticed that any Program changes I send while that WAV file is still playing are ignored by the Montage M. Is this expected behavior?

This can be a problem trying to quickly change from one performance to another using MIDI since you cannot always tell exactly when a playing WAV file ends. There's often a bit of 'dead air' at the end of a recording.


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