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What roles do you play?

This forum covers the original Montage and the new Montage M series keyboards.

Moderators: parametric, Derek, Saul

ChrisDuncan United States of America
Posts: 120
Joined: Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:29 pm
Where Are You Located?: Atlanta

What roles do you play?

Unread post by ChrisDuncan »

I don't mean dressing up like Gandalf and slaying Orcs, of course, although I'm sure there's a time and place for that. Rather, I'm wondering what kind of things you do in the music world. Even in the old days, keyboard players had a tendency to wear a lot of hats. Today, with gear like the Montage that can do so much, you need an even bigger hat rack. And that's before you add DAWs to the mix.

Some of the things are obvious, like live performance, working as a studio session player, being the …login to view the rest of this post

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