NAMM 2019 Sonicware ELZ.1 Digital Synthesiser

Sonicware ELZ.1

The Sonicware ELZ.1 digital synth was actually launched at Winter NAMM 2018 and was due to go on sale sometime in the Summer of that year. However more development work has taken place which pushed the estimated retail date further forward. The ELZ. 1 is now ready for prime time and will be shipping in the Spring. ETA is later April to early May.

So a quick recap on what exactly the ELZ.1 is:

Sonicware and the ELZ.1 is the brainchild of Dr. Yu Endo, a synthesist and inventor based in Tokyo, where all products are hand made by a small team, Endo-san is passionate about digital music and creating accessible, fun products for music makers and sonic explorers. The ELZ.1 is an easily portable desktop digital synth employing 8 different synth engines including 4 Op FM, 8Bit Wave Memory and a Granular synth (full spec below). It has a very clear full colour graphic display which makes editing and creating sounds from scratch very easy indeed.

Key Spec:

  • 8 Synthesiser Engines with 6 note polyphony: FM SYNTH (4 operators with feedback & detuning)
  • 8BIT WAVE MEMORY SYNTH (waveform editing & morphing with FM mode)
  • DNA EXPLORER (extract & generate waveforms from imported audio) SiGRINDER (granular synth engine)
  • STANDARD OSC (sin, square, triangle & saw waves) LOW-BIT OSC (sin, square, triangle & saw waves)
  • MASKED NOISE (noise synth)
  • SAND FLUTE (noise synth)
  • Stereo line outputs & mini headphone jack Stereo mini jack AUX input
  • USB MIDI & updateable firmware
  • 9 different filter types
  • 8 Arpeggiator types
  • 17 Effect types
  • Full colour graphic display screen (with monsters)

As I said the ELZ.1 is due to ship around April/May time with an expected retail price here in the UK of £499

More details over at

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