PSR Tutorial Forum Alternative


As many of you know, the PSR Tutorial forum has now closed its doors. The main website at is still live and active, but this will also close at the end of the year. The owner of the site and forum has, for several reasons, decided to call it a day and move on. The catalyst appears to have been an incompatibility between the current version of the forum and the server it is hosted on.

It is a shame to see such a great resource for arranger keyboard owners disappear from the web. I did offer to migrate the forum to my server and keep it online, but for whatever reason, this offer was not accepted.

The result of the PSR Tutorial forum closing is that many of the long-time members have found their way to our forum, and we are very happy to welcome them here. The arranger keyboard section has been expanded to allow for more focus on arranger keyboards, as well as the uploading of user styles to be shared with the community.

There has, however, been a downside to the closing of the PSR Tutorial forum. Some site owners have seen it as an opportunity to cash in on the time and commitment that the forum members have contributed over the years. Several sites and forums have popped up looking to copy or trade off the name “PSR Tutorial Forum.” Commercial sites that sell styles are obviously hoping to gain a ready-made audience and make more sales as a result.

Our forum at is, and always has been, free to use. We don’t sell any products, and there are no affiliate marketing links. Our forum has always been community-driven, and it will remain that way. All former PSR Tutorial forum members are welcome here.

We wish the owners of all the best for the future, and they can be assured that we will be happy to support their members going forward.

You can find our forum at: