Thalia Capos Producing Intubation Boxes To Fight COVID-19. You Can Help!
These days everyone is trying to do their bit to help with the fight against COVID-19. Many small businesses are switching production from their normal products to producing face masks and ventilators in order to help local doctors and hospitals.
Thalia who are best known for their innovative guitar capos is one such company.
The “Thalia Box” provides additional protection between medical staff and patient when performing endotracheal intubation in a patient with known or suspected COVID-19. Intubating a COVID-19 patient is considered an extremely high-risk procedure for medical staff in the ED or ICU. This box is designed to reduce this risk by containing the aerosols generated by the patient during the intubation procedure.
The original aerosol box was created by Dr Hsien Yung Lai in Taiwan. However, it was felt that some significant design improvements could be made so thalia redesigned it and retooled it for high-speed manufacturing in their California Factory. The result is the “Thalia Box”. They are currently ramping up production with the stretch goal of manufacturing 200+ boxes per day within one week of launch.
Most of the purchases to date have been made by doctors and nurses directly out of their own pockets.
The company has set up a GoFundMe page so that they can scale their efforts and get as many of these boxes out to the frontline medical staff that need them most.
You can read more about the “Thalia Box” here
If you want to donate or help spread the word please visit